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Message from the President

Welcome from the ACOEL President

Welcome to the website of the American College of Environmental Lawyers.  We are a volunteer association of lawyers dedicated to improving the ethical practice of environmental law, the administration of justice and the development of environmental law.  The College provides a forum for collaborative discussion of environmental issues and for examining the effectiveness of our environmental laws in protecting the natural world and all members of society. The College analyzes potential improvements to environmental laws and, where feasible, develops consensus recommendations for paths forward.

Our members, also referred to as Fellows, include environmental lawyers in government service, public interest, academia and private practice.  The diverse practices, viewpoints and backgrounds of our members deepen our understanding of how environmental laws may be used to advance common goals.  Fellows admitted to the College are preeminent in their field and have achieved recognition in environmental law through practice over a minimum 15-year period.

College members interact during the year through our committees.  We design and promote regional, national and international pro bono projects, facilitate policy discussions among our members and environmental regulators, offer educational programs on environmental topics, and convene dialogues on specific environmental legal issues.  The College meets as a whole annually to conduct in-person educational programs and business meetings and to provide an informal setting in which our members interact.

Our website offers a window into the activities of the College and a vehicle for communication among our Fellows.  We are particularly proud of our blog posts which contain insights by our members on environmental law’s most pressing questions.  Designed to be provocative, the viewpoints expressed may be controversial within the College as well as with the public.  We encourage you to read the blog posts on the website or to subscribe through our website blog page.  While you may not agree with each opinion, I am confident you will find all of them informative.

To learn more about us and how we advance our mission, we invite you to examine the website pages describing our committee projects and pro bono activities.  The website also contains a link to the College’s 501(c)(3) organization, the ACOEL Foundation, where you can find information about our charitable activities and contribute to the Foundation.  You may also discover more about the College and its organization by clicking the “About Us” tab on the website.  And if you would like to be in touch, just click the “Contact Us” button.  We hope you return to our website often to read the latest blog or learn the progress of our pro bono and other activities.

Ken Warren, ACOEL President
Warren Environmental Counsel LLC
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania